Technical Communication

Are you wanting to improve your technical communication with 3D product manufacturing information, the automated creation of inspection documents, and re-purposing of design data for high quality graphics, illustrations, and interactive 3D? Learn more about the SOLIDWORKS software solutions offered by TPM to help improve and enhance technical communication.



SOLIDWORKS Composer enables you to easily re-purpose existing 3D design data to rapidly create and update high-quality graphical assets that are fully associated with your 3D design.

SOLIDWORKS Composer helps you create everything from product manuals to interactive 3D animations and videos. It allows you to present your ideas better and differentiate yourself from the competition, so you’ll win more business and create superior-quality documents at dramatically lower costs.

By working directly with 3D CAD data, Composer helps illustrators and writers create high-quality 3D images and animations quickly. It re-purposes 3D across your organization, providing a universal “language” that eliminates misunderstandings, helps you work faster, and reduces translation costs.


SOLIDWORKS Inspection helps you streamline the creation of inspection documents by leveraging your existing 2D legacy data, regardless of whether files are SOLIDWORKS, PDFs, or TIFFs.

SOLIDWORKS Inspection is a simple and intuitive application that can reduce the time needed to create inspection documentation by up to 90 percent. It also helps to virtually eliminate input errors, thus improving quality and reducing time to market.


SOLIDWORKS MBD (Model Based Definition) is an integrated drawingless manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS. SOLIDWORKS MBD guides the manufacturing process directly in 3D instead of using traditional 2D drawings, which helps streamline production, cut cycle time, reduce errors, and support industry standards.

SOLIDWORKS MBD (Model Based Definition) is an integrated drawingless manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS. This feature guides the manufacturing process directly in 3D instead of using traditional 2D drawings, which helps streamline production, cut cycle time, reduce errors, and support industry standards.

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A CAD Package that Works

If you’re ready to make the switch to a CAD package that works and a CAD provider that cares, call TPM at (800) 922-1145 or contact us online at any time. Not only can we provide the service and support your need from your CAD provider, but we can also conduct a business process assessment to help you gain complete insight into the efficiency of your design workflow and help you find areas where you can improve and save money.

Solidworks Design for Manufacturability