SOLIDWORKS PDM Workflows: Tips & Traps
MySolidWorks 3DEXPERIENCE platform
3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Learning Everywhere

Bluebeam Studio Sessions: 3 Tips for a Smooth QA/QC Process

 Preparing the document prior to bringing it into your session, will make for a smooth reviewing process. 

  1. Choosing the correct columns to use.  
    This includes but is not limited to columns headed with Subject, Status, Author, and Responsibilities.  Take the time to make sure there are categories under the Status column that correlate for phases of Review and the project contributors. 
  2. Creating a Custom Tool Chest within Bluebeam. 
    Creating a Custom Tool Chest for QA/QC will assist in the consistency of review across the board. Tool chests within Bluebeam are shareable with other Bluebeam Users, even inside of a Bluebeam Studio Session.  
  3. Communication amongst reviewers. 
    Utilize the Alert and Reply feature within Bluebeam, which will ensure items are being recognized and addressed. Chat functionality is also available within Studio Session, however, this does allow for the call to attention as the alert feature does.   

Supporting documentation