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7 Common Issues Easily Solved with Data Management

Does your engineering team voice frustration about their inability to access data quickly?

Here are the top 7 problems we hear quite frequently:

  1. It takes too long to find specific models.
  2. File references are incorrect or missing.
  3. I have to ask coworkers to close files so I can work on them.
  4. I’ll need to ask a coworker to send me those files.
  5. We have duplicate files; how do I know which one is most current?
  6. It takes forever just to open this one assembly!
  7. Each engineer has their own way of doing things.

While these may sound like inherent annoyances, they are completely solvable common problems that not only waste valuable time, but can also cause costly mistakes.

Searching for engineering data can be time consuming.  Engineers frequently give up and generate new CAD models.  This may appear to be the path of least resistance, but what about the additional costs that result?  Some, or all of the following are duplicated as a result: model/drawing creation, model/drawing review, design validation, inspection, data entry, and physical inventory.

Non-standardized procedures produce various outcomes and difficult to navigate data structures.  Imagine knowing the exact status of every document within the process at any time! By standardizing data and processes, information flows quickly and consistently, which speeds throughput and minimizes costly errors and project delays.

Working on CAD files on a network location (without a data management system) is exponentially slower than working locally and introduces much greater risk of file corruption.  Data management systems streamline the process by minimizing data transfer and allowing users to access data locally. Data management systems dramatically speed performance and reduce risk of file corruption.

Frequent interruptions to close or send files fragments a designer’s time.  Time is wasted from repairing bad references or investigating duplicate versions of data. These activities are eliminated with integrated data management solutions.  This allows designers to focus on innovation and value-added activities.

If your team is struggling with any of these problems you’re not alone.  Harness the power of data management to maximize your team’s productivity!