TPM Bridges the Gap Between Vision and Reality

Businesses of all sizes face immense challenges when it comes to taking a vision for the future and turning it into a present reality. Scaling your company to meet increasing or shifting demands can be a major strain on finances, personnel, and even your existing client base. In order to make the most of your vision, you may consider looking into services and consulting from TPM.

TPM recognizes the challenge and is ready to step in at a moment’s notice to provide the support you need as you grow and adapt – whether you need help with analysis and planning, implementation, or a dependable ongoing support resource. Our offering of service and support packages is designed to give struggling companies a renewed vision for the future and growing companies the resources they need to scale quickly and effectively.

Consulting & Mentoring

In any successful business, problems cannot always be solved with the expertise inside the organization. Sometimes, help is needed from an outside source to fully maximize investments and help ideas be brought to successful fruition. Our customized consulting and mentoring services at TPM are perfect for just that.

Implementation & Onboarding

Implementing new software does not have to be a daunting task. Although most companies are motivated to remain competitive, many worry about a decrease in productivity and the expense of budgeting for new software. There is also the uncertainty of how the new technology will advance established objectives at current staff levels.

Business Process Assessments

Have you wondered how your business compares to the best in your industry? Concerned about whether your current process is inefficient or hindering the effectiveness of your employees? A Business Process Assessment can answer those questions, plus help you to create a new way forward to success.

Data Management

While Data Management is an often overlooked aspect of doing business, it can also be the top cause of serious security breaches and information loss within your company.

Simulation & Analysis

Utilizing simulations can help you shorten the time from initial design work to market, locate inefficiencies before they create costly redesign issues later on, and help you ensure the decision you make on a particular design or prototype is the right one.

Visualization & Rendering

One of the most difficult communication problems to overcome within any organization is the wide gap that often exists between a perfect design idea and the attempt to effectively communicate that idea to key stakeholders.

Laser Scanning

Are you interested in utilizing 3D laser scan point clouds in your design process, but you’re not sure how to do so effectively? Do you lack existing design data, and you’re looking for a better way to capture existing conditions and as-builts?

Custom Programming

Out-of-the-box technology can sometimes fall short of what you need for your business to truly excel. When you’re searching for ways to save time with project-related tasks, you may find that existing programs simply don’t provide you with what you need.

3D Printing

If your business would benefit from access to 3D printed parts, but you don’t currently own a 3D printer — or you’re struggling to implement a 3D printing workflow into your design process — TPM’s 3D Printing services may be the right choice for you.